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How To Know If a Product Is Sustainable

The importance of knowing what you’re buying before you buy it. Find out if a product is truly sustainable.

What does it take to be environmentally friendly? Some people might say that just by buying products locally, you’re doing your part for the environment. However, there are a lot of other things to consider in order to truly know if something is sustainable.

It’s important to learn what you can before you buy something new so that you can make smarter decisions and live more sustainably. In this article, we’ll explore how to find out whether or not a product is sustainable and why this matters.

Things to consider when deciding whether or not something is sustainable

Sustainable Packaging

One of the first things you want to check is the packaging. Packaging can take up a lot of room in landfills, so it’s worth knowing which companies are taking steps toward less wasteful packaging and using sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. Some options that are considered sustainable include buying in bulk or choosing products with refillable containers instead of single-use packages.

Energy consumption

The next thing to look at when assessing a product’s sustainability is how much energy it takes to make. How much energy goes into making the product depends on the materials used and the manufacturing process, so the more you know about these factors, the better. Also, it is good knowing if the company is using renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, wind, hydropower, and so on.

Are the materials used recyclable and environmentally friendly?

To be environmentally friendly it is also important to look at how an item will be reused, repaired, or recycled when its lifespan is over. Some companies offer recycling programs or take back old items so they can be reused or recycled. It’s also good to know that there are some materials that can be easily recycled, like aluminum cans and cardboard, and are more sustainable than others.

There are also alternative ways of making products that are more sustainable. One example is using renewable materials, which don’t have to be extracted from the earth. Renewable materials include bamboo, hemp, wool, and cotton.

Is it safe for us and the environment?

It’s important to assess how the product could affect the well-being of people who live where it was made. This factor is especially relevant when thinking about clothing. For example, some cotton is grown with pesticides that are banned in the US but still used in some other countries. By buying locally, you can avoid supporting companies that use these harmful chemicals.

Another factor to consider when assessing a product’s environmental impact is how it will be transported. It’s important to know if the company uses renewable modes of transportation, like trains and ships. It’s also good to know if the item is shipped in bulk or individually.

Is it responsibly manufactured promoting fair work and safety standards?

The final thing to consider when assessing a product’s environmental impact is how responsibly it was manufactured. For example, some products are made in factories that aren’t up to safety standards or use sweatshops and child labor. By finding reliable sources, you can learn whether or not a company is known for using these kinds of practices. Knowing that it is responsibly manufactured means knowing that the product is sustainable for the people working in the company too.

Sustainable means also reduce and offset the carbon footprint

When it comes to being environmentally friendly, reducing and offsetting your carbon footprint is one of the most important things you can do. Let’s see what it means to reduce your carbon footprint and how you can offset it.

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases a person or organization produces. These gases are emitted from the burning of fossil fuels and contribute to climate change.

How to reduce your carbon footprint

There are a lot of ways to reduce your carbon footprint. One way is to simply use less energy. You can also switch to energy-efficient appliances or upgrade to LED light bulbs. You can also walk, bike, or take public transportation whenever possible.

Carbon footprint offset

Offsetting your carbon footprint is another way to help reduce climate change. This means paying someone else to make reductions on your behalf. There are lots of different ways that you can do this, like planting trees or investing in renewable energy sources.

By making a few small changes and learning more about the products you use and buy, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the planet we call home.

You can make a difference and reduce your carbon footprint. When companies know that customers care about the environment, they will be more likely to change their practices and make products with lesser environmental impact.

This is also a good way to know if your product is sustainable.

Why this matters

It matters because sustainability isn’t just about preventing environmental damage, it’s about living better lives. When you buy products that are sustainable, you’re promoting the creation of jobs in the environment sector and improving your own health by investing in something that will last. It’s important to learn what you can before you buy something new so that you can make smarter decisions.

When you know how to assess a product’s sustainability, you’re putting your money toward something that will truly make a difference, a product that is good and sustainable for the producer, for you as a buyer, and for our beautiful planet.


With all this information in mind, it’s easier to tell which products are sustainable and why that matters. The more informed you are about the process behind making something, the better decisions you’re able to make when it comes to shopping. And knowing if a product is truly sustainable will become easier overtime.

Peanuts in Wonderland is a marketplace for unique handmade items, with an emphasis on sustainable and slow fashion. We believe in easy access to things that are good for our mind, body and spirit, but also good and respectful of our planet. Our goal is to make it easy for you to find and buy these handmade and sustainable goods from all over the globe. We try to support local artisans and workers in developing countries as well as promote sustainable working practices so we all have a future on this beautiful planet!

Many of the artisans we work with also help with communities or environmental issues. We want to give more visibility to those small realities that are trying to make a difference and do good for our planet.

Some of our sustainable items!

So… What do you think? Would handmade and sustainable items make your life a little more beautiful too? If so, we invite you to explore our store and discover handmade and sustainable products that will bring joy into your life!

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